It has been a crazy time preparing for Harry’s Book Tour. I not only had to get ready for the tour itself – design the slide show; get used to a new computer (drove me crazy – and is still doing so); pack food that I can eat; count the books I have and order more; and numerous tasks too tedious to mention although they all took time, but I also had to do all the preparations for winter. Today it is 25C and stinking hot, but we will be on the road for 5 weeks and by early November the ground may be frozen. I had to put the garden to bed – yank out and roll up the watering system, and harvest the garden that I defied the fire authorities by staying and watering it. I had a great crop of carrots – they will last me about 2/3 of the winter, and dug 40 lbs potatoes. I love potatoes but restrict consumption to reduce arthritic pain; however, the blue potatoes affect me less so that is what I grow. They are not high yielders (most are in the root cellar already) but I’ve never been too successful with potatoes. They get frosted too much throughout the summer and the season is too short for them to recover.). Behind the basket of kohl Rabi is a pile of beets.
I often wished I had volunteers – in previous years I would have put them to work but several were turned away because of the fires.
Because I will be taking the dogs on Harry’s Book Tour, I have had to organize the van space. I’ve created a sort of cave with a shelf above it so I can store more stuff. Badger is finding it increasingly difficult to climb into the van so I also built him a little step.And while I was doing all this, the leaves turned and they are producing one of the most spectacular falls we’ve had for a very long time. I barely had time to look at them and am working late just because I had to get out and enjoy them at least a little. Many trees are not quite in their prime, but as I will be leaving tomorrow morning I will miss the best of the show.
It’s the pointillism that I like. (That means dottiness!)
Leaf miner art on an aspen leaf.
But there is still always the smoke.
These puffers are in front of the Plateau that I visited 2 posts ago.
There have been a couple more dribbles of rain and the pond has filled. Birds are passing through. Here are a group of mallards.
This morning.
It will be sad for me to leave all this.
Harry, however, is already collecting a bunch of fans even before going on a book tour. A friend from Idaho sent me the following picture. It is not posed. She just put the book down and when she came back to her chair, this is what she saw.
It was great to see you in person again and hear you speak about Harry and his new book. What a great surprise to meet the author himself! (And his loyal companion, Badger.) I look forward to reading about Harry’s perspective on life. I wish you well on the rest of your book tour and a peaceful winter at home (considering the challenging summer you had with the fires). (I’m the woman who, when you asked if I have a dog, said, No, I have a husband 😉 ) Cheers!
All the best for your tour. Good luck. I am looking forward reading about it.
Hope your trip is glitch-free, profitable and yes, enjoyable! But most of all that you get back home safely. :o)
Have very much enjoyed Lonesome, and Harry.
Keep up the Good Work and all the very best to you.
Liz (Cordysmum)
I read “Nuk Tessli” years ago, and I just finished “And the River Still Sings” in preparation for hearing your talk at McGill Library in Burnaby. I hope you know how much we appreciate all your preparations. I can’t wait to meet the dogs and see what you have to show us and read the new book. I would love to review it for the Ottawa Review of Books, an online website that supports Canadian authors.
Your photographs are gorgeous.
Hi Chris:
Many thanks for your interesting talk last night. Great pictures! I am enjoying “Harry” and look forward to your next book about the 2017 Fires.
Safe Journey, Daphne
Again I´m in awe over your pictures! The serenity of the last one on your last post!
And I´ve never seen such twisted trees! Enchanted forest! Including the stone people – I love the idea and the overwhelming amount of them!
Isn´t this always great – to show off our harvest – and a good one you had, especially with the carrots. I never had much luck with them.
I can imagine, the tedious preparations for your trip. 1000 steps and not to forget one!
Please say hello to Badger for me! I fully empathize with his decision!
He had to do it- even though he knew you would not approve!
He really was sorry to hear your yell of despair!!!
BUT don´t you know how it feels, when somebody wears a perfume like a wapon –
it almost kills you! And so did this dammed shampoo!
He is NOT a poodle!!!
Have a save trip, lots of fun, lots of enthusiastic fans, great sales, good food and refreshing sleep in-between!!!
So you’re off! Fun and excitement comes your way after surviving the fires.
Awesome garden harvest! Great fall shots, – that otter posing, and the dogs looking so good after’spa time.’ Then Badger,the dirt, and that guilt face! I’m putting amazon to the test by ordering Harry’s book from them, forcing your bk toUSA? While I wait, I received “To Stalk the Oomingmak.” I’m enjoying your take on the artic as I did Greta Erhlich’s on Greenland. Would like to catch you on tour, but I’m headed to the outer banks of NC for pic taking,hoping to see wild horses there. Enjoy your five weeks out!!