Tag Archives: Bella Coola Hill

Solstice at Ginty Creek

1 hot summer mo rningThe solstice at Ginty Creek was upon us before I had time to think.  Note the roses in the foreground.  I cannot get enough of them.

2 roseThe humming birds tailed off for a while – down to a few visits a day – but now there are more fighting over the feeder again.

3 hummerI am now down to 2 volunteers, Ben and Fred, both from England although they had not met before they came to me.  They are both quite handy with tools and ideas, and this was a project they did without much prompting from me.

4 leg

5 high 5(They have their own way of doing things…..)

6 screwing top

7 cutting top

8 table topA well-earned beer!

9 well-earned beer(The table will not stay there – it’s destination will be revealed in a future post.)

So far, they have been working a couple of 6-hour days then taking some time off.  Now they were going to embark on a much more ambitious trip.  They would fly to Hunlen Falls and canoe the Turner Lake chain for a couple of days.  They would walk the 30 km to Highway 20 at the bottom of the Bella Coola Hill, then hitch-hike home.

It would finally be a bit of time off for me, too.  By a quirk of fate, none of the last three volunteers had ever driven a car, let alone had a license.  This meant I have had to drive them everywhere.  I have not had time alone for weeks and I sorely miss it.  This was the last I saw of the two volunteers when I drove them to Tweedsmuir Air’s Dock, the Nimpo Lake float plane base.  I expect them back tonight some time.

10 nimpo dock