
Just this last day or two, spring has arrived.  The hummingbirds were the first sign.

hummersThen the curious blossoms of the soopolallie

IMG_2438The earlier silvery pussy willows are in full force, but now a later one, with golden blossoms, is bursting into bloom.

golden willowThere is a hint of spring green while looking towards the mountains.

finger peakYesterday the endless, cloudless, high-twenties weather began to break.  This morning there was a small rain.  Then the sun burst through.

small apsens

medium aspens

And against the mountains it made a rainbow.



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5 thoughts on “Spring!”

  1. After reading your books and meeting you in Summerland I just found this blog. Wonderful to catch up with you. I had a hip replacement in 1996 – no problems – just keep doing the exercises!


  2. Hi there.

    Wanted to say I have been following your blog for a long time, and have read a lot of your books.
    You have actually been an inspiration in my own life, as I have admired your way of living for some time. Your books prompted me, way back when to change my life from being a city dweller in Vanvouver, to becoming a small island dweller off the Coast of Sechelt, B.C. From there I have moved on to other pastures in Nova Scotia and continue to live the life I love, away from the city. It is wonderful to see your amazing pictures and read about your way of life that so many will never have the opportunity to experience. Your appreciation of nature and your ability to cohabitate with it on your own is compelling. Thank you for inspiring me as a woman to take the chances I have and have the confidence to reach goals that as a young girl thought would be out of my reach. I have started my own blog out here in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and if interested you can check me out at YarmouthMom.blogspot.ca. Oh and by the way, its great to see you are on the mend! Good luck with your recovery.

  3. Good to see you posting pics. of the wilderness again. You must be on the mend!


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