Tag Archives: and the river still sings

2014 Book Tour Update.

czajkowski family picA departure from my usual photographic displays, this picture features in And The River Still Sings, the focus for my 2014 book tour.  I have no idea where the picture was taken.  I never recall seeing my Dad in a suit, or my Mum in such a pretty dress.  I look about two years old, so the date would probably have been 1949.  I, as you can see, am sitting with my customary elegance – already headed for my “tomboy” life as a wilderness dweller.

And the River Still Sings reviews my whole life, trying to explain what led me to a career of a wilderness dweller.  It covers childhood and a decade of world travel as well as my 33 years in Canada.  I will be visiting: the Cariboo, the Lower Mainland, Vancouver and Gabriola Islands, and the Okanagan.  For details of the tour, check out the slide show page.

Within its first week in the book stores, the book reached Number 2 on the BC Best Sellers’ List, which isn’t too bad.

I will also be travelling with the new 10th Anniversary Edition of Lonesome: Memoirs of a Wilderness Dog, as well as with my other 9 titles.

Hope to see you there.