Tag Archives: Perkins Peak

Abrupt Change to Fall

Two weeks ago, when Craig Sisterson and Doreen arrived, it was still very hot.  Temperatures were up to 28C during the afternoon.

Clearwater LakeThe grasses had bleached and seered almost white.

bleached grassesThen came a storm.

3. storms comingIt was accompanied by a lot of lightning and thunder, but only a sprinkle of rain.  A fire started not far away between my place and One Eye Lake and we met a crew on my bush road trying to drive to it.  But their map showed the old road, part of which no longer exists.  Finally they sent a plane to look for the fire, and water-bombed it. It was out the next day.

There has been precious little rain these last 3 months.  The pond has almost dried up.

4. frosty morningThe maximum day temperature has dropped to 14C, a difference of 16C.  Storms keep happening (they hid the full moon), but they do not come out of the mountains.

5. rainbowThe sky is often cloudy or foggy, but occasionally there is a shaft of dramatic sun at break of day.

6. middle mtPerkins Peak

7. Perkins Peak